Anime Spring 2018 – looking ahead 2

Checking the upcoming Spring anime season. Been seeing a lot of sequels and remakes. Not a bad thing mind you; especially some oldies I don't mind seeing with today's animation techniques. Full Metal Panic is one of the sequels I'm looking forward to.

I do want to see something different as a change of pace.

Image last updated: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 02:25:33 +0000.

Anime Winter Season 2018 – Death March 2

While this is a typical transported parallel universe series. The way they did the inner thoughts of the protagonist and his views were done well. The web novel itself has a lot of inner thoughts that what makes it an interesting read.

Now this is by far not a whole focus your attention to watch it marathon but a good play and watch from time to time once in a while.

Translated web novel if you're interested (still ongoing):

#deathmarch #animewinter2018


In Album 3/11/18