
Figure Friday Challenge – Look Back

Well, still working on Kizuna’s photo >.<. It’s a beast, but in the process I’m learning curves and textures a little bit better. Applying what I learned on this composite for Iori Yoshizuki soft focus look.

Going for what the protagonist, Ichitaka Seto, might have seen for that “Love at first sight” kind of view.

#葦月伊織 #Iori #I_s #Iori_Yoshizuki #FigureFridayChallenge #FigureFriday

Impressive Japanese artist balloon art

Pretty impressive the amount of details these balloon artist pack into these animal forms.

Do You Do Birthdays?: Massive Gallery Of Japanese Artist’s Unbelievable Insect And Balloon Animals | Geekologie
This is a giant gallery of the balloon insects and animals twisted by Japanese balloon artist Matsumoto-san. A lot of them are unbelievable. Just think: if this guy is already making things so impressive, just imagine what he could…