Biisuke's adventures
Pretty nice and quick story of Biisuke's using a Rube Goldberg machine.
Pretty nice and quick story of Biisuke's using a Rube Goldberg machine.
With the updated camera sensor it should take better photos.
Finally my first shot with Smart Doll Kizuna Yumeno. This composite has been a long time in the making. I already had a picture in my head for Kizuna’s first photo when I first received her.
Been working on it on and off for the past 4 months. I wanted an abandoned urban look to it. The main hold back was compositing a completely brand new background. My prior composites have been “light” edits to stock photos backgrounds compared to this. Large changes such as water, adding vegetation, and completely new lighting added complexities. Original untouched stock here if you’re interested (
I also lost two month’s worth of work due to misreading the usage rights on a stock photo. But at least I caught it when I went back to double check. ^^; I ended up using a completely different stock photo for the background.
Another difficulty has been posing Kizuna in a natural pose. After photographing figures who have their poses predetermined was something I took for granted. I have a ways to go on posing but this was the closest natural post I can do for the moment.
I have to thank +Danny Choo for the Air Stand, that definitely helps with keeping Kizuna’s pose when I was photographing her. Enjoy all!
Yay OTA finally here for my phone…