とんこつ らめん for lunc… 3
とんこつ らめん for lunch
とんこつ らめん for lunch
Volunteer work at food bank done…. Off to lunch
The last part of the Snap Fig from +Sakura Doujin came in today. I'm grateful for the extra care used to send the last part of this order.
Not leaving it in the office but it's quite large.
Woo hoo 3500! +wara zashi
I'll focus on two recent submissions: Skin Tone and the Open Challenge – Twilight Dancer
Keep in mind these were only partially finished so not everything is cleaned up since I do partial clean up and posing in PS. >.<
1) Skin Tone final shot: (http://goo.gl/1MjQBb)
The goal in my mind was to showcase the mechs' paint job as skin tone. The paint job also covers the entire entity much like skin is. It also tends to be more colorful, diverse, and varies between tones of the same color.
The first version (first pic of the album cover) had the following issues which I sadly had to reject it:
– Two out of the three mech were good on their poses. The VF head couldn't move higher in fear of snapping the ball joint.
– The back-lit floor made it difficult for a clean select for post processing as much as I liked it.
Second version was to do a movie poster pose like 3 Amigos (http://goo.gl/uOBGEX) or Fifth Element (http://goo.gl/QtrVm2) utilizing a closeup bust shot.
– Rejected it since the pose felt too generic and I wasn't as enthused working any further.
By this time I was pounding my head through two days trying to resolve issues present on the first version. Third revision was to get the feel of the first pose using the extreme opposite end for the view. This time I shot from the bottom up. The goal was to have a Black Lagoon intimidation feel. (source http://goo.gl/ei4oRx)
– While I liked the pose. This was also rejected since I had a difficulty positing the EVA01 and VF properly; this VF is a stubborn one. >.<
Final submission was me admitting defeat. I went to a bust level shot to focus more on the paint jobs. The submission was also a reject but was able to complete it within my time constraints. (http://goo.gl/1MjQBb).
Personally I still like the first version. Yuukina (MS Gundam girl) face looks so perturbed it's priceless. The pose gives the shot a motley crew of discontents and zealots.
2) Open challenge: Twilight Dancer (http://goo.gl/bqPbV6)
This one was a harder choice between using Inori or just her silhouette.
– Last shot in this album was the rejected shot of the silhouette since I felt I Inori's clothes needed to be visible to complement the background well.