
Old imitation drawing

Doing some cleaning led to me going through old drives of data and found an old drawing of Yoshizuki Iori (葦月 伊織 ) from I"s back in 2000. (

Now the original art is completely Masakazu Katsura's. This was my attempt to draw from his manga freehand.

Then I was trying my hand at PhotoShop painting with a mouse at the time. Ended up with only the eyes and lips.

It was a bad scan I ended up doing a little cleanup to the jpg (lost the psd file).

The quality isn't great given the small file size but I figured might as well share.

#葦月伊織 #imitation #freehand #copy_lineart


Figure Friday Challenge – One Moment (in winter) 1

Perusing through my shots, I noticed I haven't done many macro shots. Decided to do one for Momohime.

This took a lot longer than I had intended.
* Stacked focus to get the face and her hair pins to be in focus.
* Complete repaint of her eyes since the reflection was incorrect for this shot. (those who have her can check the eyes ~.^)
* Added iris highlights, dodging and burning
* other goodness….

#Demon #DemonSword #figurefriday #figurefridaychallenge #Momohime #Muramasa #朧村正