
Introducing Google+ Collections, a new way to group your posts by topic

Steps to create Google+ collection

Originally shared by +Google+

Introducing Google+ Collections, a new way to group your posts by topic

Our happiest Google+ users are those who connect with others around shared interests and passions. So we set out to give people a place to express the things they love. Today, we’re announcing Google+ Collections, a new way to group your posts by topic.

Every collection is a focused set of posts on a particular topic, providing an easy way for you to organize all the things you’re into. Each collection can be shared publicly, privately, or with a custom set of people. Once you create your first collection, your profile will display a new tab where other people can find and follow your collections.

Posts in collections you follow will appear in your Home stream, with a link to easily jump right into the collection so you can get to similar content from that author. Collections give you a great way to find more of the stuff you love from the people you follow.

Collections is available on Android and the web, and iOS is coming later. For Android users, make sure to update your Google+ app to get access to Collections.

For inspiration on interesting topics, check out our Featured Collections page here:

Create your collections today and share what you love.

If you have questions then also be sure to check out our Help Center content; if you still can’t find an answer then please post your question in the Collections subcategory.

Moritz & Claire


Figure Friday Challenge – Five (Red Sheep in the Family)

Feels like ages since I've done figure photography ><. So this one is a small composite of the rebel or red sheep in the family.

Still working on Kizuna's shot… it's a long and slow process since I'm challenging myself on new PS techniques for composites.

#FigureFriday #figurefridaychallenge #Saber #Maou #maouyu