Monthly Archives: July 2013

Google Street View brings you Diagon Alley:

Magic!: Google Street View Of Harry Potter’s Diagon Alley | Geekologie
Note: The map above is interactive, not just a picture. Hocus pocus! Ever wanted to take a virtual tour of Harry Potter’s Diagon Alley? Well you’re in luck (unless you willed it with magic), because Google now has a…

I tried a hand held scanner since I did not want to risk scratching my desktop scanner…. 1

I tried a hand held scanner since I did not want to risk scratching my desktop scanner. I scanned Fate/Zero's Saber since a friend got for me from #AnimeExpo2013

Since a scanner is just a camera, light source, platen glass in between and the motor (me in this case). Obviously not enough light but it is a tad errie…. btw I'm a terrible aka Motor… my hand tends to wiggle.  I took a scan of the box to show which figure it is. 

#figurefridaychallenge   #Scanner