
FigureFridayChallenge – Display 2

This weeks has been very difficult since I'm not allotted too much time. This week my good friend is getting wed and I need to prep my once in a lifetime bestman's speech. 

While most of my figures are either crying sealed in their shipping boxes in storage or tucked away in my Detolfs ( 

Two things stand out. I normally have #電脳フィギュア   #CyberMaidARis   and #Saber  business card insignia case I keep on my desk. 

ARis is an AR (Augmented Realty) virtual figure I can interact when I need a distraction via webcam and her physical cube. Fun interactive figure. You can see her in action ( 電脳フィギュア ARis(アリス) PV ) Plus keeping her out in the open isn't too bad. Dusting a cube is easier. ^_^;  

The other I keep on my desk is my Fate/Stay Night Saber insignia business card case which I do use.